(Subject to change)
Triathletes & Parents,
Welcome to the 2025 Columbia Association KIDS Triathlon presented by the Columbia Association and Rip It Events. We are excited to continue this long-running triathlon for youth athletes in Columbia, MD.
This web page contains important pre-race and race day information for triathletes and parents. You’ll find information about athlete check-in, the swim, bike and run courses, results, awards, and everything in between. Please pay special attention to information in red. Triathletes and parents should be familiar with USA Triathlon’s Competitive Rules, specifically the Supplemental Youth Rules. Please take a few minutes to review these rules with your triathlete. Our goal is a safe, fair, and fun experience for all our triathletes, whether they are new to the sport or racing for a podium finish.
On behalf of Columbia Association, the Columbia Association Kids Triathlon and Rip It Events, we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, July 21.
Danny Serpico
Race Director
Rip It Events
Clemens Crossing Pool
6400 Martin Road
Columbia, MD 21044
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM - Athlete Check In Opens
5:00 PM - Athlete Meeting (optional)
6:00 PM - Athlete Check In Closes
Sunday, July 20
6:30 AM - Athlete Check In and Transition Area Opens
7:45 AM - All participants to the pool deck
8:00 AM - Boys/Girls 13-15 yrs swim waves START
8:20 AM - Boys/Girls 11-12 yrs swim waves* START
8:45 AM - Boys/Girls 9-10 yrs swim waves* START
9:10 AM - Boys/Girls 7-8 yrs swim waves* START
*estimated start time. Subject to change based on the speed of the swimmers in each age group.
Parking on race day will be alongside of Martin Road opposite the field at Clemens Crossing Pool and at Clemens Cross Elementary School. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Use the following GPS address on race morning- 6400 Martin Rd, Columbia, MD 21044. Additional/overflow parking will be at the Atholton Adventist Academy parking lot across the street from the transition area.
There is no parking allowed in the Clemens Crossing Pool parking lot and on either side of
Quarterstaff Road. The Clemens Crossing Elementary School parking lot will close once the race starts and will not reopen until the last cyclist has finished the bike. If you need to leave prior to this time, please do not park in the Clemens Crossing Elementary School parking lot.
Triathletes have two options to pick up their race packet. We strongly encourage pick up on Saturday at the race venue (Clemens Crossing Pool grassy field). This will remove some of the stress of race morning. If you choose to wait until race morning, please arrive early.
Per USA Triathlon rules, each participant MUST pick up his/her own packet in person. All participants 18 years and older must bring a valid photo I.D. to athlete check in. NO PHOTO ID = NO RACE!!! If you are under 18 without a photo ID, your parent or guardian may show their photo ID. Friends of participants are NOT permitted to pick up race packets for each other - this is a firm USA Triathlon rule.
Athlete Check-In Time Options
Saturday, July 19, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 20, 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
If a triathlete does not pick up his/her packet during one of the designated times, he/she will not be able to participate in the race.
What To Bring To Athlete Check-in
Parents/guardians may pick up their triathlete’s packet without their triathlete present,
however, triathletes may not pick up their packet without a parent/guardian present.
Parents/guardians/triathletes must bring the following to athlete check-in:
Parent/guardian’s photo ID
If a triathlete does not pick up his/her packet during the designated packet pick up times,
he/she will not be able to participate in the Columbia Association Kids Triathlon.
Please consider attending the Pre-Race Talk, which will provide important information about the race, and include a question-and-answer segment. If you are a first timer– attending this is recommended!
Saturday, July 19 at 5:00 p.m. at Clemens Crossing Pool in the transition area on the grass field.
Triathletes and parents should be familiar with USA Triathlon’s Competitive Rules, specifically the Supplemental Youth Rules. Please take a few minutes to review these rules with your triathlete. Our goal is a safe, fair, and fun experience for all our triathletes, whether they are new to the sport or racing for a podium finish.
General Race Rules
Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of participants or their parents and supporters will not be allowed. No rude, abusive, or discourteous language or behavior will be tolerated.
Participants must complete the prescribed course in its entirety.
No unauthorized assistance of any kind is allowed. Parents or other non-participants may not run or ride a bicycle with a participant nor may they provide participants any food, fluid, or equipment aid during competition.
Swimming Rules
No flotation devices of any kind may be used during the swim.
Swimmers must be able to complete the entire course using any stroke.
Swimmers may not make forward progress by pulling on lane ropes, swim gutters or many other inanimate objects.
Transition Rules
Finishers may not retrieve gear until all participants have finished the cycling portion and have begun the run.
No riding bicycles in transition. Participants must walk or run with their bicycles and may not mount until out of transition and in the designated mount zone.
Bicycle Equipment Rules
Bicycles may be on-road, off-road, or youth style. The bicycle shall have two wheels.
No training wheels are allowed.
Only standard drop, straight, or curved handlebars are allowed. No aero or time trial bars may be attached to the bike or used during competition. All handlebars ends shall be solidly plugged.
No disk wheels or wheel covers are allowed.
Cyclists must wear a helmet approved by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission for road cyclists age 5 and older.
No time trial, “chrono,” or “aero” helmets with a tail may be used.
Swim - 50 yards
Bike - 2 miles
Run - .5 mile
9-10 YRS OLD
Swim - 100 yards
Bike - 2 miles
Run - .5 mile
11-12 YRS OLD
Swim - 100 yards
Bike - 4 miles
Run - 1 mile
13 -15 YRS OLD
Swim - 150 yards
Bike - 6 miles
Run - 1 mile
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (subject to change)
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM - Athlete Check In Opens
5:00 PM - Pre-Race Course Talk*
6:00 PM - Athlete Check In Closes
*Please consider attending the scheduled Pre-Race Course Talk, which will provide important information about the race, and include a question and answer segment. If you are a first timer– attending this pre-race course talk is recommended! Adults are encouraged to attend as well.
Sunday, July 20
6:30 AM - Athlete Check In, Transition Area, Bike Racking and Body Marking Opens.
7:30 AM - Transition area closes, all athletes to pool deck, staging of first two swim waves.
8:00 AM - Clemens Crossing Elementary School parking lot closes and will not re-open until the last cyclist has started his/her final lap of the bike course.
8:00 AM - Boys/Girls 13-15 yrs swim waves.
8:20 AM - Boys/Girls 11-12 yrs swim waves.
8:45 AM - Boys/Girls 9-10 yrs swim waves.
9:10 AM - Boys/Girls 7-8 yrs swim waves.
9:35 AM - Estimated time Clemens Crossing Elementary School Parking lot vehicle exit reopens.
10:00 AM - Award Ceremony (subject to change).
Body Marking
Body marking will take place in the transition area on race morning. Triathlete’s race numbers will be marked on both upper arms, and their race age (see Race Age below) will be marked on their right calf. Please do not apply sunscreen on your triathlete until after they have been body marked. Please remember to get body marked by a volunteer BEFORE going to the pool to start your swim.
Race Age
Triathletes will compete based upon their age on December 31, of the year of the event. For example, the Columbia Association Kids Triathlon is July 21, your triathlete is 10 on the date of the event but turns 11 before or on December 31. He/she would compete in the 11–12 age group not the 9–10 age group.
If you have registered for the incorrect race category, don't worry. We will correct this for you and update your registration prior to the start of the race. There is no action needed on your end but it is the athletes responsibility to complete the required race distances for their individual age category.
Race Bibs
Athletes must wear their race bib on the run course at all times. Athletes can either pin their race bib to their shirt or wear it attached to a race belt. Athletes are required to wear their bib on their front side when going in and out of transition and crossing the finish line. Your race bib is not required to be worn on the bike course.
Athlete Wristband
A unique wristband will be given to participants at athlete check-in. Participants must wear this wrist band at all times on race day. This wristband must remain worn until you have removed your bike from transition after the race. This band will identify you as an official participant and allows you access to the transition area. You will not be allowed into the transition area without this band on your wrist.
One adult may accompany each triathlete in the transition area prior to the race start. This parent must wear the second wristband given to the athlete in their race packet. Non-racing siblings, pets, strollers and friends are NOT permitted into the transition area at any time. During the race, only participants are permitted in the transition area (no parents or siblings). Transition area volunteers will be available to assist triathletes during the race.
Athlete Bike Number Adhesive
At athlete check-in, you will be given an adhesive bike number. Your bike must have an adhesive number on to rack on race morning. See image below for placement on bike frame.
Transition Area & Bike Racking
One adult may accompany each triathlete in the transition area prior to the race start. This parent must wear the second wristband given to the athlete in their race packet. Non-racing siblings, pets, strollers and friends are NOT permitted into the transition area at any time. During the race, only participants are permitted in the transition area (no parents or siblings). Transition area volunteers will be available to assist triathletes during the race.
Transition area volunteers will be available to assist triathletes with finding and setting up their transition space if necessary. Each triathlete will have an assigned transition rack space on race day. Bikes should be positioned with the front of the bike facing in the same direction as the sticker on the transition rack. Equipment must be placed on the ground to the left of the bike when facing the transition rack.
Please place the race number sticker you received at packet pick up on the top tube of your triathlete’s bike so that we may identify it in transition. The top tube is the horizontal tube connecting the front fork and the seat tube. Do not place this sticker on your triathlete’s helmet. Triathletes may not remove their bikes or gear from the transition area until the last triathlete has started the run. This is in the interest of safety and good sportsmanship. It’s also a USA Triathlon rule.
How To Properly Rack Your Bike In The Transition Area
Find the sticker number on the transition rack that matches your bib number. Hang the seat of your bike from the transition rack in with your front wheel facing away from your sticker on the rack. Athletes may use a bike kick stand to position their bike in front of their sticker number on the bike rack. Place personal items on the ground next to your front wheel. There are NO balloons, inflatable’s or personal markers permitted. Remember your number and rack location.
Per USAT rules, all equipment must be placed in the properly designated and individually assigned bike corral. No person shall interfere with another participant’s equipment or impede the progress of another participant. All bar ends must be solidly plugged. No participant shall bring ANY glass containers into the transition area. All personal trash is to be removed and disposed of by each athlete. Please do not litter.

The swim will take place in the 25 yard, eight lane, outdoor pool. Triathletes will be staged along the pool deck by age group. All starts will be in-water from the shallow end of the pool. Triathletes will complete a "snake swim" in the pool. Flip turns are not allowed. Triathletes will exit the pool and must walk while on the pool deck until they pass through the pool gate to the transition area. To view an illustration of how a snake swim works for each age group, click HERE.
Triathletes may not hand parents swim caps or goggles nor may parents hand triathletes anything as they exit the pool. A special needs table will be set up between the pool and transition for eye glasses, inhalers, epipens, etc. Failure to follow the above rules may result in a disqualification.
Required Distances:
13-15 yrs old: 150 yards (6 lengths of pool)
11-12 yrs old: 100 yards (4 lengths of pool)
9-10 yrs old: 100 yards (4 lengths of pool)
7-8 yrs old: 50 yards (2 lengths of pool)
The bike course is NOT closed to vehicle traffic. Police will be controlling traffic and course marshals will be directing participants. It is the responsibility of the participant to know and follow the official course, complete the required number of loops, and obey all traffic laws and instructions from police and course marshals. Parents are prohibited from running or riding a bike alongside their triathlete. To view the bike course map, click HERE.
Required Distances:
13–15 yr old: Three loops (6 miles)
11–12 yr old: two loops (4 miles)
9–10yr old: one loop (2 miles)
7–8 yr old: one loop (2 miles)
Participants are responsible for keeping track of the number of loops ridden.
The run course is along sidewalks and paved paths. All turns will be clearly marked and staffed with course marshals. It is the responsibility of the triathlete to know and follow the official course, complete the required distance, and obey all traffic laws and instructions from police and course marshals. Parents are prohibited from running or riding a bike alongside their triathlete at any time. To view the run course map, click HERE.
13–15 and 11–12 age groups will be given an orange wristband and a race bib with an orange dot sticker at packet pick up. 9–10 and 7–8 age groups will be given a blue wristband and a race bib with a blue dot sticker at packet pick up.
Required Distances:
13–15 yr old: 1 mile
11–12 yr old: 1 mile
9–10yr old: 1/2 mile
7–8 yr old: 1/2 mile
Water Stations
A water station will be set up mile .25. The 13–15 and 11–12 age groups will pass this water station twice. 9–10 and 7–8 age groups will be turning around just past this water station.
Participants will wear a timing chip that is placed around the left ankle. Timing chips will be given to participants just prior to entering the pool to begin their swim. Timing chips will be removed by volunteers at the finish line.

LIVE results will be published throughout the race. Use your mobile phone and go to www.ripitevents.com/results and click on Columbia Association Kids Triathlon link. On the results web page, enter your bib number or name to view your individual results.
Finisher Medal & Awards
Participants will receive a finisher medal at the finish line. Be sure to pose for a photo with our logo backdrop.
If your triathlete earns an award and you are unable to stay for the awards ceremony, you may have someone accept it on your behalf. Rip It Events will not mail awards to winners after the race.
Age Group - Top 3 (M & F): 7 yr, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
(there is no overall youth awards, only age group awards)
Spectator Information
Having friends and family cheer you on and provide moral support on race day is highly encouraged! Below is information for spectators.
Athletes may only receive assistance during the race from official race staff only. This excludes friends, family members, and other spectators. Triathlons are individual tests of fitness. Spectators who help with your bike, fix a flat tire, or hand you food and water is a violation of the rules of multisport racing. Athletes who receive outside assistance are subject to race penalties.
Spectators must stay clear of the official race course. At no time may a spectator block or prevent athletes moving forward on the race course.
Spectators may not bike alongside athletes on the bike course.
Transition Area - One adult may accompany each triathlete in the transition area prior to the race start. This parent must wear the second wristband given to the athlete in their race packet. During the race, no parents (non-participants) are permitted in the transition area. Transition area volunteers will be available to assist triathletes during the race.
Spectators are not allowed in the finish line shoot; however, spectators will be permitted in the post-race area.
Race staff reserves the right to remove spectators who are disruptive to fellow spectators and athletes from the race venue.